Schwenk Zement KG, Mergelstetten, Germany

Commissioned 04/2010
Process High-Dust

Typical Operation

Flue gas 380-400°C
180.000 Nm³/h
Dust 80-90 g/Nm³
Layers 4 in operation
NOx in 1100-1300 mg/Nm³
NOx out 200 mg/Nm³
NH₃ out < 5 mg/Nm³
VOC reduction 65-70%
Fuel 60-100% alternative fuels


Homogeneous gas distribution at the SCR inlet permitted dispensing with the metallic grid (dummy layer). This results in lower investment and operating costs.

The combination of the SCR with an already exisiting SNCR is being successfully utilised in Mergelstetten.

The high flue gas temperature creates a sticky dust environment. Our tailored solution has been operating under these conditions since May 2010.